Costa Rica is one of the emerging leaders in the global sustainability industry. They practice not only excellent coffee practices, but they also practice sustainability in the hotel industry. Costa Rica’s hotels had features that were quite simplistic, but are not utilized here in the United States. They used technology to conserve water, electricity, and money. Most of the hotels have systems that save electricity by requiring a key card to turn on the lights in the room. The hotels also gave us the option to have our sheets cleaned daily or to keep them for a few days. They offered this option to save some water. Have you ever noticed these systems in hotels in the United States or even in other countries?
The hotels in Costa Rica also do a lot for the environment and the community outside of the hospitality aspects of the business. The Parador Hotel and El Establo, two sustainable hotels the group stayed at, both support their local farmers by buying produce and meat from them. Both of these fantastic hotels do a lot for the surrounding wildlife as well. The Parador ties ropes to the trees so that the animals can have an easier time climbing from one tree to another. The hotels both support social programs sponsored by the government as well. How many hotels can you think of that are staples in their communities? Look for more information on the Costa Rican hotel industry in the final presentations! This trip has made me realize just how important it is to adopt a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Since returning back to the States I have made it my mission to turn off the lights when I am not in my dorm room. I am also trying to become more accepting of insects. Instead of killing them, I will strive to simply capture them and release them. This lifestyle is so much less stressful and it makes me proud to know that such little acts can greatly impact our environment. Pura vida!
Justin Brown
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