returning to the United States, I’ve made quite a few changes to my lifestyle
to be more sustainable. I reuse my plastic water bottles, am constantly turning
off the lights, and I’ve even resorted to wearing clothes more than once in
order to cut down laundry loads. Going back to the topic of taking things for
granted, I never really realized how lucky I am personally to have the things I
have. I remember driving down some of the roads in Costa Rica and seeing houses
built out of sheet metal. I’ve become so much more grateful for the things I
have, and made sure not to let any of it go to waste – I don’t even let myself
leave food on my plate at our dining hall anymore.
The thing that
made the biggest impact for me personally was the happiness that every single
person we came into contact with exuded. Being the happiest nation in the
world, I expected to see smiles and some friendliness upon our arrival.
However, the Ticos were so incredibly friendly and helpful that it was
contagious. So building off of some of the other changes I’ve made
sustainability-wise since I’ve returned from the country, I’ve also tried to
change my general outlook towards others. I noticed that smiling for no reason
causes others to smile, doing favors for others really does make a difference,
and even though I’m just one person I know that between my changes in
sustainability, our efforts to spread the word, and giving ample kindness
towards others I can make a difference.
I miss every
single thing about Costa Rica. We learned so much as a group that I’m sure none
of us will ever forget. I’m proud to say I now feel like an expert to all
things coffee related.
The delicious
coffee, beautiful sights, warm air, and the absolute abundance of nature
everywhere are all things I think about daily. I honestly can’t wait to return.
And I sincerely hope countries like our own can follow in Costa Rica’s
Pura Vida
By Steph